Dylan Baraldi



From the very first he could impress me with his musical talent(…) Solistic qualities go along with a fine flexibility and music sensitivity,using his ability to lead as well as to listen and assist 

Leonhard Roczek, Minetti Quartett

(…)a very gifted player, with a robustsound, and a spontaneous musical nature 

Enrico Bronzi, Trio di Parma

The accomplished young Italian cellist has garnered numerous accolades at national and international competitions, including the “Premio Città di Vittorio Veneto,” “Riviera della Versilia,” “Concorso Nuovi Orizzonti Arezzo,” “Concorso Europeo Alfredo e Wanda Marosig,” “Concorso Internazionale Rovere d’Oro,” “Concorso Salieri,” and “Concorso Geminiani.” He made his debut as a soloist with Dvorak’s cello concerto at the age of 17.

After graduating with the highest distinction from the “C. Pollini” conservatory under the tutelage of Mario Finotti, he furthered his studies at the prestigious international “Universität Mozarteum” of Salzburg with Enrico Bronzi and at the “Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris” with Marc Coppey. He has also participated in numerous soloistic music masterclasses with esteemed musicians such as Michael Flaksman, Eric-Maria Couturier, Giovanni Gnocchi, Raphaël Pidoux, Alexander Chaushian, Giovanni Sollima, Antonio Meneses, and Gary Hoffman.

His passion for chamber music led him to study with some of the most prominent artists in the field such as Simone Gramaglia (Quartetto di Cremona), Eckart Runge (Artemis Quartet), Rainer Schmidt (Hagen Quartet), Leonhard Roczek (Minetti Quartet), Eszter Haffner, Jacques Ammon (Cello duo Project), Henning Kraggerud, and Wolfgang Redik (Wiener Klaviertrio). He has performed in various chamber music formations with musicians such as Alexander Gadjiev, Giovanni Zanon, Marc Coppey, Keigo Mukawa, Marcel Mok, Eszter Haffner, Lorenzo Pone, Teira Yamashita, Margherita Santi, Haruna Shinoyama, Aleksandr Shaikin, Axel Trolese and Giovanni Gnocchi. In 2019 he was selected as one of only two cellists for the EUYO Ferrara Chamber Academy.

He has served as Solo-Cello in numerous youth and professional orchestras including the O.R.C.V., the Italo Montemezzi Orchestra, the Orchestra del Luglio Trapanese, the Orchestra Fondazione Teatro Goldoni, Philarmonie Salzburg and Bad Reichenhaller Philharmoniker. Among his most notable experiences is his collaboration with the renowned “Ensemble InterContemporain,” specializing in contemporary music under the direction of Matthias Pintscher. As Solo-cello he had the opportunity to collaborate with conductors such as Bruno Weil, Hans Graf, Gianluigi Gelmetti, Alessandro Bonato, Daniele Agiman and Andrea Battistoni.

He has performed regularly in prestigious venues such as Philharmonie de Paris, Wiener Saal di Salisburgo, Villa Carlotta of Como, Teatro Filarmonico of Verona, Teatro Giuseppe di Stefano di Trapani, Teatro Ristori di Verona and Grosses Festspielhaus of Salzburg.

In addition to his performance career, he has also been invited as the main cello professor at the FCAEC school in Dalian, China which has an active partnership with the “Conservatorio G.Verdi” of Milan.

His interest and curiosity towards contemporary music have led him to perform numerous important pieces, such as “Limonen aus Sizilien” in the presence of Manfred Trojahn himself.

He currently plays on a cello made by Arnaldo Morano in 1938, on loan from a private collection.